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  • Microsoft Excel Vs Google Sheets which one is for you?

    Spreadsheets have unquestionably revolutionized the way we do our everyday job. Spreadsheet is simply a computer softer which helps you store, compute and analyze your data in a tabular format. One of the most popular software worldwide for spreadsheets is Excel developed by Microsoft. Another contestant in this race is the Google sheet. Both of these software are spreadsheets with each having its pros and cons. We shall compare the two so you can choose the right one for you.

    Excel vs google sheet


    • Microsoft Excel is usually sold along with Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word as a whole bundle. There are various versions of this software available. The bundle pack is referred to as Microsoft 365. Along with this software they provide many other services such as cloud storage and one note to name a few.
    • Depending on the bundle and version that you select, the price varies considerably. Microsoft gives you the option of selecting a plan with monthly or yearly billing. Additionally, you can select the pack based on your objectives. Depending on your field of work, you may choose between the personal, home, or professional edition. To know about all the plans click here.
    • One way you can get Excel for free is if you purchase a new laptop. Most likely it will come along with the latest Windows version along with Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.
    • Google sheet is completely free to use. You only need is, to set up a Google account. On creating the account you can simply open your google sheet and start working.


    • If you have purchased Microsoft 365 pack you get all the free updates on your Excel as and when released. Although if you have received a free version of this product with your new Windows computer you will not receive any updates.
    • Google Sheets receive all the updates for everyone.

    Ease of use

    • Excel is an offline software, although recently Microsoft allows you to upload your file on one drive and collaborate with your college. Being an offline software it provides more convenience in terms of ease to use, as you won’t be needing any internet connection. This means you can work while traveling without being concerned about the network situation. Even though it has the feature to auto-safe your progress it might not be turned on by default and you need to make sure to save your progress from time to time.
    • Excel does have a mobile application where you can edit your Excel files. But the mobile application has a very limited number of features. This is because Excel is built to handle complex operations and hence it is not possible to put all those features in a mobile application. At best you can use it to view and carry out minor editing.
    • Google sheet works completely on cloud computing. It doesn’t require any software installation. This means you can only use it when you have an internet connection. On the positive side, as you are operating online, your file and progress are directly saved on google drive in the background. Although you do get an option to download your file it will be downloaded in Excel formatted and hence for editing it offline you will need to rely on Excel.
    • You can use the google sheets mobile application as well. As a whole google sheet have a very simple User interface it is convenient to operate it on a mobile application.


    • Excel is unbeatable in terms of the product’s features and adaptability. It is loaded with several capabilities that you may use for everything from accountancy to data visualization. It was way more detailed functions be it in terms of customizing tables or entering complex formulas. Excel is truly for you if you are looking for advanced tools and have a lot of data to compile, visualize and analyze.
    • One downside of having a ton of features is that it might look complicated to operate for those who are simply looking for a convenient way to present their data.
    • This is when google sheets come in. As of today, it offers far fewer features as compared to Excel. But its user interface is built in a way that a regular user will be able to navigate and operate. It is not designed for heavy power users but rather for people who are looking for a simple spreadsheet to carry out simpler tasks.


    Even though Excel has dominated the spreadsheet industry, in recent years google sheets have gained a lot of popularity mainly due to its simple and user-friendly layout. Hence apart from people who have some serious use many people especially students prefer Google Sheets. It would be interesting to see if Google ever realizes a professional version or an offline version of Google Sheets.

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